Qu'est-ce que l'infection à poliovirus ?

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**What⁣ is Poliovirus Infection?**


Poliovirus infection, also known as poliomyelitis, is⁢ a highly⁣ contagious viral⁤ infection ​that primarily affects‌ the central nervous‍ system (CNS).​ It is caused ⁤by the poliovirus.


Poliovirus is transmitted through direct contact‌ with infected individuals or ingestion ⁣of contaminated food or water. The virus⁢ enters the body through the mouth ‌and multiplies⁤ in⁢ the throat⁣ and intestines.


Most poliovirus infections (about 95%) are⁣ asymptomatic. In ⁢a⁣ small percentage of cases, symptoms may develop, ranging from mild to severe:

* **Non-paralytic ‌polio:** Fever, headache, vomiting,‌ muscle weakness,‌ and neck stiffness.

* ⁤**Paralytic‌ polio:** Muscle weakness or paralysis, which can be permanent. In severe cases,‍ it‌ can lead to respiratory failure or death.


Paralytic polio can⁤ have​ devastating ‍complications, including:

* Post-polio syndrome:⁢ A progressive weakness experienced by ‍some polio⁣ survivors ‍years after the initial infection.

* Respiratory insufficiency

* ⁤Paralysis of the ‍limbs and trunk

* Bowel and bladder dysfunction


The most ​effective way to prevent poliovirus infection is through ⁢vaccination.⁢ The polio vaccine has⁤ been​ highly successful in reducing the incidence ⁤of polio worldwide.

Other⁣ preventive measures include:

* Washing hands frequently

* ‍Avoiding contact with infected individuals

* Practicing good sanitation⁣ and hygiene

* Boiling or treating drinking water in endemic areas


Poliovirus infection is ​diagnosed through:

* Physical examination

* Laboratory tests (throat ⁤or‍ stool ‌culture)

* Spinal tap (lumbar puncture) to examine cerebrospinal⁢ fluid


There‌ is no specific‍ cure⁣ for poliovirus‍ infection. Treatment‍ focuses on managing symptoms and supporting recovery. This may include:

* Rest

* Pain relievers

* Physical and occupational therapy

*‍ Respiratory support

* Rehabilitation


Poliovirus infection is now‍ rare in many parts of the world​ due to vaccination efforts. However, it remains endemic‍ in some countries in ⁣Africa ⁣and Asia.


* Poliovirus⁤ infection

*‍ Poliomyelitis

* Poliovirus

*⁣ Paralysis

* Vaccine

* Prevention

* ​Symptoms

* Treatment

* Epidemiology

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