Qu'est-ce qu'une escarre ?

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**Question: What is a‍ pressure ulcer?**

**Answer:** ⁤A pressure ulcer is a type of ⁤skin damage that is caused ⁤by prolonged pressure on a part ⁢of the body. This can⁤ happen when a person‌ is bedbound or sitting in a ‍wheelchair for long. People with limited movement are more likely to get pressure ulcers.

Pressure ulcers can occur anywhere on the body, , ⁤but they are most common on the following areas:

* ⁣Back

* Hips

* Tail bone

* Heels

**Symptoms of pressure ulcers**

The early stages of a pressure ulcer are often not visible. However, as the⁤ condition worsens, the following symptoms may appear:

* Redness

* Blistering

* Broken skin

* Pus

* Fever

* Increased temperature

**Causes of pressure ulcers**

Pressure ulcers are caused by ​prolonged pressure on the skin. This can occur due to a number of factors, including:

* Bed-rest

* ⁣Surgery

*​ Extended​ sitting

* Paralysis

* Coma

**Risk ​factors for pressure ulcers**

Certain people are at an ​increased risk of developing pressure ulcers,⁣ including:

* People with⁣ limited movement

* People with poor skin hygiene

* People with dry skin

* People who are overweight or malnourished

**Treatment for pressure ulcers**

The treatment for a‌ pressure ulcer will depend on the⁣ severity of the condition. In the early stages, treatment may include:

* Relieving pressure on⁣ the affected area

*⁤ Cleaning the skin around the ulcer

* Debriding (removing) dead tissue

* Using dressings to ⁣promote granulation tissue (new skin)

In more severe cases, surgery may be necessary.

Weight-loss is a major and tretable risk-factore for pressure ulcers.

**Prevention of pressure ulcers**

The best way to prevent pressure ulcers is to ​relieve pressure on the skin. This can be done by:

* Regularly repositioning a person who‍ is bedbound or sitting⁢ in a wheelchair

* Using pressure-relieving devices

* Massaging the skin around‌ pressure points

* ‌Practicing good skin care


Pressure ulcers are a serious condition that can ‍be life-threating. However,⁣ they can ⁣be prevented and treated if they are caught early on.

2 commentaires

  1. Please read our posting guidelines for bloggers at *** before submitting a post – I do not want to assist in spam or low quality information distribution.

  2. A pressure ulcer is a localised injury to the skin and/or underlying tissue usually over a bony prominence, as a result of pressure, or pressure in combination with shear.

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