Qu'est-ce que la colite ulcéreuse (CU) ?

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## Ulcerative Colitis (UC): ⁣What‌ Is It?

**What is Ulcerative Colitis (UC)?**

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is a chronic‍ inflammatory bowel ⁤disease (IBD) that⁢ affects the large intestine (colon) ⁣and rectum. It is‍ characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the inner⁢ lining of the colon.

**Causes of UC**

The exact ⁢cause of UC is unknown, but⁢ it is thought to involve‍ a complex interaction between genetics, immune system dysfunction, and environmental⁢ factors.

**Symptoms of UC**

Common symptoms of ⁣UC include:

* Diarrhea, often with blood or pus

* Abdominal pain‌ and cramping

* Rectal bleeding

* Tenesmus (feeling like you need to‌ pass​ a bowel movement)

* Urgent bowel movements

* Fatigue

* Weight loss

* Fever

**Diagnosis of UC**

UC is diagnosed through ⁢a combination of:

* Medical history⁤ and⁣ physical exam

* Blood tests

* Stool sample analysis

* Endoscopy (a procedure that uses a thin, ⁣lighted tube to examine the colon)

* Biopsy (taking a small sample of colon tissue for lab testing)

**Treatment for UC**

Treatment for ⁢UC aims to reduce inflammation, control symptoms,⁢ and ⁣prevent or lessen complications. Options include:

* Medications (e.g., mesalamine, corticosteroids, immunosuppressants)

* Dietary changes

* Probiotics

* Surgery (in severe cases)

**Complications‍ of UC**

Untreated UC ​can lead to serious complications, such as:

* Perforation of ⁢the ‍colon

* Toxic⁢ megacolon (a ‍life-threatening dilation of ⁤the colon)

* Increased risk of colon cancer

**Outlook for UC**

UC is⁢ a⁢ chronic condition, but most people with ‍UC can live full and productive lives with proper treatment.

**Prevention of ‌UC**

There ⁤is no known way to​ prevent UC.

**Additional Information**

* UC is more common in women than in men.

* It typically develops in people between⁤ the ages of 15 and 30.

* There is no cure for UC, but it can be ​managed with‌ treatment.


* ‌Ulcerative ‍colitis

* ⁤Inflammatory bowel disease

* Colon

* Rectum

* Inflammation

* Ulceration

* Diarrhea

* Abdominal pain

* Rectal bleeding

* Fatigue

* Weight loss

* Endoscopy

* Biopsy

* Mesalamine

* Corticosteroids

* Immunosuppressants

* Surgery

* Colon cancer

* Chronic ‌condition

Un commentaire

  1. This is a terrible condition, and I highly recommend **getting a colonoscopy** as early as possible to get a diagnosis and begin treatment. So many people can be helped, so there’s no excuse for waiting to get diagnosed.


    **This could also be Crohn’s disease.** UC only affects the colon and rectum, while Crohn’s can affect the entire GI tract. Both cause similar symptoms, but treatment can vary.

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