Pulmonic Embolism

**Pulmonic Embolism (PE)**

Pulmonic embolism is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when a blood clot forms in the pulmonary artery, blocking blood flow to the lungs. It is a leading cause of cardiovascular-related death worldwide.

**Causes and Risk Factors:**

* Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the legs or pelvis
* Prolonged immobilization
* Pregnancy or recent childbirth
* Hormone replacement therapy
* Smoking
* Obesity


Symptoms can vary depending on the size and location of the clot, but may include:

* Shortness of breath
* Chest pain
* Rapid heart rate
* Dizziness or fainting
* Coughing with blood

**Diagnosis and Treatment:**

Diagnosis involves:

* Physical examination
* Blood tests
* Imaging tests (e.g., CT pulmonary angiogram, MRI)

Treatment options aim to dissolve or remove the clot and prevent future embolisms, and may include:

* Anticoagulants (blood thinners)
* Thrombolytics (clot-dissolving drugs)
* Surgery (in severe cases)


* Reducing risk factors for DVT (e.g., quitting smoking, exercising regularly)
* Taking anticoagulants as prescribed
* Using compression stockings during long periods of immobilization