Résultats de recherche pour heart-failure/taking-diuretics

Qu'est-ce que la goutte ?

...diuretics and aspirin, can increase uric acid levels. * **Medical Conditions:** Obesity, diabetes, hypertension,​ and kidney​ disease can contribute to gout. **Q: How is Gout Diagnosed?** **A:** Gout is diagnosed‌...

Ablation auriculaire

Qu'est-ce que l'acupuncture : aperçu
...destroying abnormal cœur tissue without affecting other parts of the cœur. The procedure, which is also called radiofrequency ablation, aims to restore the cœur’s regular rhythm. It was developed in...

Qu'est-ce que l'athérosclérose?

...⁢cholesterol, fat, calcium, and‍ other substances. Atherosclerosis ⁣is a serious condition because it can ‌lead ⁣to cœur attack, stroke, and other complications. **What Causes Atherosclerosis?** The exact cause of atherosclerosis...