Résultats de recherche pour dry-skin

Qu'est-ce que l'herpès génital?

Genital Herpes, الهربس التناسلي, L'herpès génital
...common ⁣infection ‌that affects both ​men and women. **Keywords:** Genital herpes,‌ HSV-1, HSV-2, sexually ​transmitted infection, STI **Q: How is Genital Herpes Transmitted?** **A:** Genital herpes is transmitted‍ through peau-to-skin...

Que sont les verrues génitales ?

Verrues génitales
...around the genitalia. **Keywords:** Genital ⁤Warts,‌ HPV, STI, ‌Sexually Transmitted ‍Infection, ​Genitalia **Q: How ⁤are Genital Warts Transmitted?** **A:** ⁤Genital HPV is primarily transmitted through direct peau-to-skin contact during vaginal,⁢...