Résultats de recherche pour pet-scan

Amniocentèse prénatale

Qu'est-ce que l'acupuncture : aperçu
...other tests, including advanced ultrasound analyses. In many instances, the amniocentesis helps determine whether the fetus requires lifesaving treatment. For example, if neural tube defects are found, the parents can...

What is Oropharyngeal Cancer?

Cancer de l'oropharynx, Oropharyngeal cancer, سرطان الفم والبلعوم
...CT or MRI analyses, ‍to determine the extent of the cancer **Keywords:** Diagnosis, physical examination, biopsy, imaging, CT analyse, MRI analyse **Q: What‍ are the treatment options for oropharyngeal cancer?**...

Qu'est-ce qu'un urologue ?

...Treatment Methods Urologists use various diagnostic techniques to evaluate urological conditions, ‍including: * Physical exams * Urine and ‌blood tests * Imaging studies (X-rays, CT analyses, MRIs, ultrasounds) * Cystoscopy...