Résultats de recherche pour obesity/obesity-vs-morbid-obesity

Qu'est-ce que le burn-out ?

...while unproductive). * Physical health problems,​ such as heart disease and obésité. * Mental health issues, such as anxiety‌ and depression. * Damage‍ to relationships with colleagues, family, and friends....

Qu'est-ce que l'asthme infantile ?

Asthme de l'enfance
**What is Childhood Asthma?** **Definition:** Childhood asthma is ⁤a chronic respiratory condition that affects the airways (bronchi). It causes ​inflammation ​and narrowing ⁣of ‍the airways, leading to difficulty breathing, wheezing,...

Qu'est-ce que Chiragra ?

...*‍ Obésité * Diabetes * Hypertension * Kidney disease * Family history of gout * Certain medications, such as diuretics and aspirin **Diagnosis of ‍Chiragra:** * Physical examination and medical...