Résultats de recherche pour obesity/obesity-vs-morbid-obesity

Signes de dépression

Signes et symptômes de dépression, dépression, الاكتئاب
...16, 2019. ↩ Current Psychiatry Reports. “Comorbid depression in rheumatoid arthritis: Pathophysiology and clinical implications.” September 24, 2008. Accessed February 4, 2019. ↩ NHS. “Bipolar disorder.” April 26, 2016. Accessed January 7, 2019. ↩ Michigan News. “Those who...

Qu'est-ce que la Podagre ?

...**Causes and Risk Factors ⁣of Podagra:** * High levels of uric acid in ‌the⁤ blood (hyperuricemia) * Diet ​rich ⁢in purine-containing foods (e.g., red meat, organ meats,‌ shellfish) * Obésité...