Résultats de recherche pour liver-diseases

Qu'est-ce qu'un endodontiste ?

Endodontiste, Endodontiste, ائي عصب الاسنان
**Question: ⁤What is an Endodontist?** **Answer:** An⁣ endodontist is a dental specialist⁣ who focuses on the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention ⁢of diseases and injuries of ​the dental pulp and the...

Que fait un microbiologiste ?

...**Study infectious diseases:** They research ⁢the⁢ transmission, prevention, and treatment of infectious diseases caused by microorganisms. *⁣ **Develop antimicrobial⁢ drugs:** Microbiologists collaborate with chemists to develop new antibiotics and other...


...smoke. * **Respiratory Maladies:** Exacerbates asthma, bronchitis, and emphysema by damaging the airways and reducing lung function. * **Other Effects:** Linked to premature aging, cataracts, gum disease, and impaired immune...