Résultats de recherche pour dry-skin

Qu'est-ce que la gonorrhée?

Infection à la gonorrhée, السيلان, Infection à la gonorrhée
**What ⁤is ‍Gonorrhoea?** Gonorrhoea is a sexually transmitted infection (**_****_****_****_**)** caused by the bacteria **_****_****_****_****. It‍ affects the urethra, cervix, throat, and/or the **_****_**** in both men and women. **Modes...

Dr Benarab Waheb

Dr Benarab Waheb The dermatologist treats pathologies of the peau, mucous membranes and integuments (nails, hair, body hair). Some dermatologists also specialize in venerology (study of venereal diseases or sexually...

Que sont les hémorroïdes ?

Les hémorroïdes
**What Are Hemorrhoids?** **Q: What are⁣ hemorrhoids?** **A:** Hemorrhoids, also⁣ known ‌as piles,⁢ are swollen veins in ​the anus and lower rectum. They can be internal,⁣ occurring within⁤ the rectum,...


...a variety of different methods of allergy testing, which include peau tests and blood tests, as well as the use of a patch to assess peau reaction to an allergen....