Résultats de recherche pour weight-loss-medication

Qu'est-ce que l'embolie pulmonaire ?

Embolie pulmonaire
...prevent ⁣DVT. – **Moving around frequently:** Avoid prolonged ‌sitting or standing. – **Losing lester:** If overlester or obese. – **Quitting smoking:** Smoking⁤ damages blood vessels. – **Taking anticoagulants:** As⁤ prescribed...

Qu'est-ce que la Podagre ?

...elevated uric​ acid levels. Occasionally, ‌joint⁢ fluid may be analyzed to look ⁤for uric acid⁢ crystals. **Treatment for Podagra:** * Médicaments to reduce pain and inflammation (NSAIDs, colchicine) * Uric...