Résultats de recherche pour obesity/bariatric-surgery

Qu'est-ce qu'un néphrologue ?

...* Medications to ⁤lower blood pressure ⁤or cholesterol * ​Dialysis ⁣to filter waste products from‍ the ​blood * Kidney transplant chirurgie **Question: How can I prevent kidney⁢ disease?** **Answer:** There...

Qu'est-ce qu'un physiothérapeute?

Physiothérapeute, Physiothérapeute, اخصائي العلاج الطبيعي
**What Is a Physiotherapist?** **Definition:** A physiotherapist, also⁤ known as a physical therapist, is a licensed healthcare professional specializing in ‍the assessment, treatment, and prevention of movement disorders and‌ physical...