Résultats de recherche pour copd/symptoms-basics

Qu'est-ce que l'amygdalite ?

...prevent infection, but they can become infected themselves.⁣ When⁢ this happens, tonsillitis develops. **Q: What ⁤are the symptômes ⁣of tonsillitis?** **A:** Symptômes​ of ‍tonsillitis may‍ include: * Sore throat *...

Qu'est-ce que l'hyperthyroïdie ?

...excessive amounts of thyroid ​hormones. * **Toxic adenoma:** A single nodule ⁤develops ​within the thyroid gland and produces excessive ⁢thyroid hormones. **Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:** Hyperthyroidism can manifest in various ‍symptoms,...

Qu'est-ce que la dengue ?

Fièvre dengue,حمى الضنك, la dengue
**Question: What is Dengue Fever?** **Answer:** Dengue fever, also⁤ known as breakbone fever, is a mosquito-borne viral infection that causes a ⁤range of symptômes, from mild to severe. It⁤ is...

Signes d'infection de l'oreille

Signs of Ear Infection, Signes d'infection de l'oreille, علامات التهاب الأذن
...fluid accumulates ⁢in the middle ear, ⁤typically due to bacterial or viral infection. Here are some ⁢common signs and symptômes of an ear infection: **1. Ear Pain:** Persistent ear pain...