Health & Wellness
Health & Wellness: Health & Wellness is a broad field that covers physical health, mental health, and lifestyle. It emphasizes the importance of balanced, healthy living through proper nutrition, regular physical activity, stress management, and preventive healthcare. Professionals in this field might include fitness trainers, nutritionists, health coaches, and wellness consultants.
Does rain make allergies worse?
Does rain make allergies worse? Many people frequently report worse allergy symptoms in the rain. Treatments follow most of the standard guidelines for allergies, but you may also want to use a dehumidifier. Some people experience worse allergy symptoms on…
Celiac Disease and Obesity: Risk Factors, Triggers, and More
You can have obesity and receive a diagnosis of celiac disease. If you have a moderate weight at diagnosis, it’s possible to gain weight on a gluten-free diet. Celiac disease is an abnormal immune reaction to gluten. If a person…
Hormone Treatment for Prostate Cancer: Types, Effectiveness
Hormone therapy is a common treatment for advanced prostate cancer or cancer that has returned after treatment. Hormone therapy can involve taking medications or surgically removing your testicles. Prostate cancer develops in the walnut-shaped gland in your pelvis,, which produces…
How Fast Does Testicular Cancer Spread and Other Questions
The time it takes for testicular cancer to advance to distant tissues depends on your subtype of testicular cancer. Some testicular cancers never spread to distant tissues, while others will usually have spread by the time you receive a diagnosis.…
Triamcinolone Acetonide for Eczema: How it Works and Side Effects
Triamcinolone acetonide (TA) is a corticosteroid medication that can help control inflammation. If you have eczema, it can help alleviate symptoms like redness and itching. While TA can help treat eczema, it can cause side effects, so it may not…
FAS and ADHD: Similarities and Differences
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and attention eficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have similar symptoms and often occur together. Certain environmental factors, like prenatal alcohol exposure and difficult childhood experiences, may contribute to this link. FAS is classified under fetal alcohol spectrum…
Prader-Willi Syndrome: Characteristics, Complications, and More
Prader-Willi syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by changes to chromosome 15. It affects growth, behavior, and learning and requires continual management to avoid potentially life-threatening complications. Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic syndrome marked by low muscle tone,…
Can Pumpkin Seed Reduce Symptoms of Overactive Bladder?
Although research is limited on pumpkin seeds in their various forms as a treatment for overactive bladder, they may be worth a try. Find out how to take this natural remedy. Making more frequent, urgent trips to the bathroom or…
Fecal Impaction Vs. Constipation: Symptoms, Causes, Treatment
Constipation is difficulty emptying your bowels. Fecal impaction is the buildup of hardened stool in your bowel that you can’t pass. Fecal impaction is a potential complication of chronic constipation and less commonly occurs due to problems with the muscles…
GERD and Related Conditions
Conditions like obesity, hiatal hernia, and asthma often co-occur with GERD and may contribute to its development. GERD can itself lead to complications like esophagitis or Barrett’s esophagus. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition that develops from stomach acids…
Tips on Talking to Children About Their Food Allergy
Understanding what it means to live with a food allergy as a kid starts with clear communication. For parents, this means focusing on simple language and modeling “safe” behaviors. A food allergy occurs when your immune system responds to a…
Common Respiratory Diseases: Causes and Prevention
There are many types of respiratory diseases, such as COPD, asthma, and obstructive sleep apnea. Smoking and exposure to certain substances are common risk factors. Respiratory diseases are conditions that affect the tissues involved in breathing, which include your lungs…