...of high blood pressure, affecting the majority of those who experience hypertension. It is also known as primary hypertension.[1] As the heart pumps blood through the circulatory system, blood presses...
...Cancer Institute. Radiation therapy and you: support for people who have cancer. Available at: http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/coping/radiation-therapy-and-you. /trp_language] [trp_language language=”ar”][/trp_language] [trp_language language=”fr_FR”][/trp_language] What is Radiation Therapy: Overview, Benefits, and Expected Results Radiation...
...and severity of the cancer. Chemo, as it is commonly known, is expected to: Cure cancer – Chemotherapy can destroy the cancer cells completely until they can no longer be...
...treat all types of cancer, including: Breast cancer Colorectal (bowel) cancer Esophageal cancer Head and neck cancer Lung cancer Prostate cancer Brain tumour In any case, the main goal of...
...enzyme or creatinine levels in your blood higher than normal levels of sodium, albumin, white blood cells, iron, lymphocytes, or platelets in your blood lower than normal hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (a...
...names for laryngeal cancer Cancer of the larynx Laryngeal carcinoma Vocal cord cancer [/trp_language] [trp_language language=”ar”][/trp_language] [trp_language language=”fr_FR”][/trp_language] ## What is Laryngeal Cancer? **Definition:** Laryngeal cancer is a type of...
...blood to the brain is interrupted, causing it to be starved of oxygen. If this is caused by a blood vessel bursting in or around the brain, it is known...
...tests Blood tests for anemia Blood tests to find antibodies[34] that mistakenly provoke an immune response against cells in a person’s own stomach Liver and kidney function blood tests Stool...
...only by testing include:[2] Proteinuria Hemolysis (disintegrating blood cells) Raised enzyme levels Thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count) HELLP Syndrome can occur at any point after 20 weeks of pregnancy, but...
...laboratory tests for syphilis are nontreponemal tests and treponemal tests. Nontreponemal tests test for antigens produced by a syphilis infection, not specifically for the Treponema pallidum microorganism itself. This sort...