Search Results for urination-painful

What is Gout?

...accompanied by redness, swelling, and difficulty moving the joint. It is a painful condition, but one that usually passes within three to 10 days.[^1] However if left untreated, episodes of...

What is Sepsis?

...of infectious agents it is caused by, and can include:[3] Abdominal pain Coughing An abscess Jaundice Painful urination Good to know: In some people, especially children, infants and the elderly,...

What is Bacterial Vaginosis?

Cytomegalovirus Infection
...some common ⁣symptoms include: * Fishy odor from the vagina *​ Thin,⁢ gray or white⁣ discharge *​ Vaginal ​itching or burning * Painful or ⁢burning ⁤urination * ‍Increased vaginal dryness...

What is Candida Vulvovaginitis?

Candida Vulvovaginitis
...during intercourse * Painful or frequent urination **Question: What causes candida vulvovaginitis?** **Answer:**⁣ Candida vulvovaginitis is caused by an overgrowth of the Candida⁣ albicans yeast. This can occur due to:...