Search Results for eye-health/macular-edema

What is Gonorrhea Infection?

Gonorrhea Infection, عدوى السيلان, Infection à la gonorrhée
...Neisseria gonorrhoeae entering the eye can cause a form of conjunctivitis. Symptoms of gonococcal conjunctivitis include:[7][9]  Swelling of the eyelids  A discharge containing pus and mucus  Tenderness of the eyeball ...

What you should know about COVID-19

What you should know about COVID-19, ما يجب أن تعرفه عن مرض كوفيد -19, Ce que vous devez savoir sur le COVID-19 authority in case there’s specific advice for your area. Diagnosis A healthcare professional can take a swab from your upper respiratory tract. That means from the back of your...

What is Causes of Miscarriage?

...of your ‍health: Proper pre-natal care is essential in preventing miscarriages. Maintaining a healthy diet, exercising, and taking vitamins can improve a woman’s ​overall health and‍ prepare her body for...

Signs of Shingles: Herpes Zoster

Signs of Shingles Herpes Zoster, Signes de zona Herpes Zoster, القوباء المنطقية
...complaints? When will the pandemic be over? Start making better health choices now VZV is the same virus that causes chickenpox, a very common childhood infection.2 After a person has had chickenpox,...

Signs of Depression

Depression signs and symptoms, dépression, الاكتئاب
...Health. “Depression in Women: 5 Things You Should Know.” Accessed October 9, 2017. ↩ ↩ ↩ ↩ Mental Health in Family Medicine. “Perinatal depression: implications for child mental health.” December, 2010. Accessed October 10, 2017. ↩ National Institute of...

Managing a healthy pregnancy

تحكم في حمل صحي, Gérer une grossesse en santé, Managing a healthy pregnancy
...pregnant. Managing common health complaints Most pregnancies follow a healthy course without too many problems. However, you can expect to experience some health changes. Here are some ways to manage...