Search Results for infections

What is Failure to Thrive?

Failure to Thrive
...anemia Chronic infections, such as HIV Social and environmental factors Social and environmental factors as to why a child does not receive sufficient nutrition can include poverty, parental neglect or...

What is Gastroenteritis?

What is Gastroenteritis?, Qu'est-ce que la gastro-entérite, ما هو التهاب المعدة والأمعاء
...with giardia is known as giardiasis and can become chronic if not treated properly, causing malabsorption of nutrients. Cryptosporidium infections, which are usually acquired through swimming in and accidentally swallowing...

What is Liver Cirrhosis?

Liver cirrhosis, تليف الكبد, La cirrhose du foie
...Preventing hepatitis B or C infections can also help to prevent this condition. Maintaining a healthy weight is also helpful. Other names for liver cirrhosis Liver scarring [/trp_language] [trp_language language=”ar”][/trp_language]...