Search Results for kidney-cyst

What is Anemia?

Anemia, Anémie, فقر الدم chronic conditions, e.g. kidney disease. Regardless of the type or cause, common symptoms of anemia include:[8] Tiredness and lethargy Breathlessness Faintness Headaches There may also be other symptoms specific...

Chemotherapy Side-Effects

Chemotherapy Side-Effects, الآثار الجانبية للعلاج الكيميائي, Effets secondaires de la chimiothérapie
...changing the body’s distribution of drugs that dissolve in fat. In addition, kidney function may decrease with age, leading to a decreased clearance of drugs that are excreted by the...

What is Rickets?

...The most common hereditary form is called hypophosphatemic rickets. This form is based on mutations in several genes relevant for phosphate metabolism. As a result, the kidneys lose their ability...

Antenatal Amniocentesis

What is Acupuncture: Overview
...disorders, such as cystic fibrosis Diagnose inherited metabolic disorders Determine the gender of the fetus Detect fetal or uterine infections Diagnose Rh disease Assess the severity of fetal anemia Determine...