Search Results for pregnancy/bodily-changes-during

What is Measles?

...rubella. Rubella can also cause severe problems during pregnancy, including congenital disabilities, miscarriage, and stillbirth.[21] Good to know: Women planning a pregnancy should discuss vaccination options with their doctor. Measles...

All About Jaypirca

All About Jaypirca
...Jaypirca should not be taken during pregnancy. If you can become pregnant, your doctor will likely order a pregnancy test and will only prescribe Jaypirca if you’re not pregnant. Due...

What is Cervicitis?

Cervicite, Cervicitis, التهاب عنق الرحم
...of measles Vaccinations Travelling and the risk of measles Side-effects of the MMR vaccine Isolation Complications of measles Common complications Uncommon complications Rare complications Measles and pregnancy Measles FAQs Are...