Search Results for type-2-diabetes/hypertension

What is Ectopic Pregnancy?

Ectopic Pregnancy
...​including: * **Tubal pregnancy:** The most common type, occurring ⁣in a fallopian tube. * ⁤**Ovarian pregnancy:** A rare type, occurring in an ovary. * **Abdominal pregnancy:** An extremely rare type,...

What is Uveitis?

...vessels.[^1] Table of Contents Symptoms Early signs of ectopic pregnancy Other signs of ectopic pregnancy Causes Risk factors Types of ectopic pregnancy Fallopian pregnancy Other types of ectopic pregnancy Diagnosis...

Signs of Depression

Depression signs and symptoms, dépression, الاكتئاب
Table of Contents Symptoms Early signs of ectopic pregnancy Other signs of ectopic pregnancy Causes Risk factors Types of ectopic pregnancy Fallopian pregnancy Other types of ectopic pregnancy Diagnosis Ultrasound...

What is Pneumonia?

...pneumonia) Types of pneumonia There are over 30 different causes of pneumonia, including bacteria, viruses, fungi, and chemicals.[1] The cause affects the symptoms and treatment of the condition. Pneumonia is...