Search Results for weakness

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis adrenal insufficiency. Symptoms include:[12][13] A rash, beginning as small pink patches or swellings that resemble pimples, which later expand into larger purple patches Malaise and weakness Dizziness Cough Joint...

What is Septic Arthritis?

Septic Arthritis
...pain, swelling,⁣ redness, and warmth in the affected‌ joint * ⁣Fever and‍ chills * Difficulty moving the joint * General malaise and weakness **Diagnosis:** Septic arthritis is diagnosed through a...

What are the Signs of a Concussion?

Signs of a Concussion, علامات الارتجاج, signes d'une commotion cérébrale
...Persistent headache * Persistent nausea *⁢ Balance problems * Neurological deficits ⁢(weakness, numbness, difficulty coordinating) ### How⁤ Can a Concussion Be Diagnosed? Diagnosing a concussion requires a thorough physical and...

What is Anaphylaxis?

...known as stridor Fast, shallow breathing or complete inability to breathe Bluish skin on the lips and tongue Confusion, agitation and anxiety A sudden feeling of weakness or dizziness Loss...

What is Anemia?

Anemia, Anémie, فقر الدم
...* Chronic diseases ​(e.g., ​cancer, kidney disease) * Certain medications * Genetic conditions (e.g., sickle⁤ cell ⁣anemia) **Symptoms of ⁢Anemia** Symptoms of anemia include: * Fatigue and weakness * ⁢Pale...