...small sample of the kidney, called a biopsy, in order to find the underlying cause for the condition.[4] Diabetics should have regular microalbumin tests in addition to other tests. This...
...skin surrounding it after the healing period. Other possible techniques for the removal of skin lesions and growths include: Excisional biopsy – Also known as a complete removal procedure, this...
...can be removed using a wire loop attached to the endoscope. These growths can then be examined under a microscope in a process known as a biopsy. Read more about...
...such as: Obstruction or blockage Cholangitis, or infection of the common bile duct ERCP can be performed to: Check for possible problems Take a biopsy sample for further testing Perform...
...treatment plan Guide a physician in targeting the correct location where treatment needs to be administered Drain out abnormal fluid buildups in the abdomen Obtain a tissue biopsy How is...
...abnormalities. It is also often performed after a biopsy confirms the presence of cancer in which case, MRI scan is used to determine the stage of cancer. Due to its...
...a key role in blood clotting. A bone marrow aspiration is different from a bone marrow biopsy. The latter removes a part of the bone, the marrow, and the fluid...
...not indicate cancer but may precede cancer. If such abnormalities are found, the doctor may conduct further investigations (such as a biopsy) and may provide some advice on how the...
...as: Rectal biopsy, or the removal of a piece of tissue from an abnormal growth or polyp for further analysis Polypectomy, or the removal of a polyp Sclerotherapy, for the...
...taken (a biopsy) to investigate for cancer. Scans, such as a CT (computed tomography) are often needed to determine the size, location, and developmental stage of esophageal cancer. Treatment of...