Search Results for alcohol-good-or-bad

What is Laryngeal Cancer?

Laryngeal Cancer
...exact cause of laryngeal cancer is unknown, but certain risk factors‌ have been identified: * **Tobacco​ use:** Smoking and smokeless tobacco are major risk ‍factors * **Alcohol consumption:** ‌Excessive alcohol...

What is Premature Labor?

Accouchement prématuré ,Premature labor, الولادة المبكرة
...for triplets, the 33rd week.[1] A variety of other factors, including smoking and drinking alcohol during pregnancy, can also make premature labor more likely. Roughly 1 in 10 cases of...

What is Stomach Cancer?

Stomach Cancer
...⁣developing stomach cancer. * **Family history:** Individuals with a family history of stomach cancer may be ​at a higher risk. * ‍**Alcohol consumption:** Excessive ⁤alcohol⁣ consumption‍ has been linked to...