Search Results for pots-syndrome


What is Acupuncture: Overview ​treat **subacromial ‍impingement syndrome**, a condition in which the rotator cuff tendons become compressed or inflamed due to excessive ​pressure from the⁣ acromion. This can cause ⁣symptoms such as...

What you should know about COVID-19

What you should know about COVID-19, ما يجب أن تعرفه عن مرض كوفيد -19, Ce que vous devez savoir sur le COVID-19
...syndrome. 8 Can you die from COVID-19? Most people make a full recovery after COVID-19. However, a small percentage of people who are infected become so unwell that they die.  Symptoms...

What is Miscarriage?

Miscarriage, Fausse-couche, الاجهاض Problems arising from uterine or cervical abnormalities Invasive fetal diagnostic procedures Rhesus isoimmunisation Long-term (chronic) health conditions affecting the pregnant person, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome The pregnant person...