Search Results for emphysema

Hemoglobin levels

مستويات الهيموجلوبين, Taux d'hémoglobine, Hemoglobin levels
...the blood. Living at high altitudes Dehydration Bone marrow disorders (polycythemia vera) Heart problems Lung problems, such as emphysema Anabolic steroid abuse Symptoms of high hemoglobin levels Due to its...

What is Chest Cold?

ما هو برودة الصدر؟, What is Chest Cold?, Qu'est-ce que le rhume de poitrine ?
...conditions. These tests include:[6] Pulmonary function test: Used to check for signs of asthma or emphysema. Sputum tests: Used to identify the bacteria within sputum (mucus). X-ray: Potentially useful in...