Search Results for headache

What is an Occlusodontist?

...turn into headaches or ENT problems. Table of Contents Symptoms of chickenpox Symptoms in children Symptoms in adults The chickenpox rash Causes and risk factors Diagnosing chickenpox Physical examination Laboratory...

What is Acute Pharyngitis?

Acute Pharyngitis
...a normal sore throat. Fever, weakness and headache. Nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, especially in children. White or grey patches visible on the back of the throat. Swollen, sore glands...

What is Dengue Fever?

Dengue Fever,حمى الضنك, la dengue
...virus. This is known as the febrile stage. Symptoms of this phase include:[2][3][4] Fever, above 38 C / 100.4 F Severe headaches Body aches, including muscle and joint pain Pain...

What is Syphilis Infection?

Syphilis Infection
...infection. Meningovascular syphilis usually occurs about seven years after the affected person first contracts syphilis. Symptoms include headache, stiff neck, nausea, vomiting, and stroke.[4][8] Stroke typically comes last, while headache,...

Signs of Shingles: Herpes Zoster

Signs of Shingles Herpes Zoster, Signes de zona Herpes Zoster, القوباء المنطقية
...pain, numbness, tingling in the place where the rash will develop Flu-like symptoms such as chills, fever, headache, feeling fatigued or overly tired Upset stomach After the initial skin complaints develop into...

What is Smoke Inhalation?

Smoke Inhalation
...* Difficulty breathing * Chest pain * Wheezing * Cyanosis (blue-tinted skin) * Headache *​ Nausea * Vomiting **Keywords:** Coughing, hoarseness, difficulty ⁤breathing, chest pain, wheezing, cyanosis, headache, nausea **Question...