Search Results for type-2-diabetes/understanding-cv-disease-diabetes

What is Legionella Infection?

Infection à légionelles, Legionella infection, عدوى الليجيونيلّا
...disease.[4] In severe cases, Legionnaires’ disease can be fatal. However, with prompt diagnosis and treatment, most people make a full recovery. Types of Legionella infection Legionella infection, or legionellosis, refers...

What is Fabry Disease?

What is Fabry Disease? d0af49cbd7d72e1647be673883a0ccfb.png
...**Q: Types ‍of Fabry Disease** **A:** Fabry⁢ disease has two primary types: * **Classical Fabry disease:**‌ The​ most⁤ common and severe form, ⁤affecting males more severely. * **Late-onset Fabry disease:**...

What is Late Lyme Disease?

Late Lyme Disease
...Lyme disease. Symptoms of late Lyme disease may include joint pain (arthritis), skin changes, musculoskeletal or neurologic complications. Like the less severe forms of Lyme disease, late Lyme disease can...

What is Thyroiditis?

Cytomegalovirus Infection
...any thyroid hormone fluctuations that occur.[17] Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is sometimes associated with other autoimmune conditions, including Addison’s disease, type 1 diabetes, pernicious anemia, celiac disease, and connective tissue disorders like...