Search Results for anemia/blood-transfusions-for-myelodysplastic-syndromes

What is Hyperthyroidism?

...Hyperthyroidism:** Diagnosis of hyperthyroidism involves physical examination, medical history, and⁢ blood tests. Blood tests can measure levels of thyroid hormones and thyroid-stimulating hormone⁢ (TSH). High levels of thyroid hormones and...

What is malaria?

ما هي الملاريا, What is malaria, Qu'est-ce que le paludisme
...bloodstream along with the‌ mosquito’s saliva. **Parasite Lifecycle:** Once​ in the human bloodstream, Plasmodium parasites invade ⁤red blood cells and reproduce. They mature ‌and rupture ⁢the⁣ red blood ⁣cells, releasing...