Search Results for gray-skin

Spider Vein Treatment

What is Acupuncture: Overview
Spider Vein Treatment Spider ​veins, also⁤ known as ⁢telangiectasias, are a condition in which small, thin veins appear near the surface of‍ the skin that looks like spider webs. The...

Keyhole Surgery

Keyhole Surgery,Laparoscopie, منظار البطن
...complications such as infection, hernia, and cellulitis, a bacterial infection of the skin and tissues beneath the skin, is also lessened. Reduced recovery time: The necessary recovery time after keyhole surgery...

Chemotherapy Side-Effects

Chemotherapy Side-Effects, الآثار الجانبية للعلاج الكيميائي, Effets secondaires de la chimiothérapie
...drinking. They can also become easily infected. If necessary, doctors can prescribe painkillers or other appropriate treatments. Skin and nail problems Dry, itchy, discolored, or sore skin can result from...

What is an Allergist?

...discomfort or it can cause life-threatening attacks in which breathing stops altogether. Atopic and Contact Dermatitis/Hives/Skin Allergies Atopic and contact dermatitis, eczema, and hives are skin conditions that can be caused by...