Search Results for stress-induced-cardiomyopathy

What is Genital Herpes?

Genital Herpes, الهربس التناسلي, L'herpès génital
...aciclovir, in cream or tablet form. The symptoms of this condition tend to be recurring, especially when a person feels stressed or unwell. Causes and risk factors of genital herpes...

What is Premature Labor?

Accouchement prématuré ,Premature labor, الولادة المبكرة
...Stress Being under 18 or over 35 years old Vaginal infections may also make premature labor more likely. These include: Gonorrhea Chlamydia Syphilis Trichomoniasis Bacterial vaginosis Infections caused by Group...

Signs of Depression

Depression signs and symptoms, dépression, الاكتئاب
...(a form of persistent depressive disorder). A milder, long-lasting form of depression[27] Adjustment disorder with depressed mood: Symptoms of depression that are triggered by a major life stressor, like moving...