Search Results for type-2-diabetes/kidney-disease

What is Candida Vulvovaginitis?

Candida Vulvovaginitis
...often prescribed following an organ transplant. Diabetes: People with diabetes stand a higher chance of developing candida vulvovaginitis, especially if it is poorly managed. Read more about Diabetes » Sexual...

What is Pancreatic Cancer?

Cancer du pancréas, Pancreatic Cancer, سرطان البنكرياس
...typically over 60. * **Smoking:** Smoking cigarettes significantly increases⁢ the‌ risk. *‍ **Obesity:** Being overweight or ⁢obese ⁢can increase the chances of developing pancreatic‌ cancer. * **Diabetes:** People with diabetes...

What is Colostomy Bag?

Colostomy bag, Sac de colostomie, حقيبة فغر القولون
...intestine, including:[3] Abdominal/pelvic region cancers, including colorectal cancer and more rarely anal, vaginal or cervical cancer Inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and, more rarely, diverticulitis) Bowel obstructions...

What is a Generalized Seizure?

Generalized Seizure
...anti-seizure medication.[1] Some of the prescribing considerations, which a medical professional may make in recommending which type to use, include: [1][16] Type of seizure How regular the seizures are Age...