Search Results for type-2-diabetes/hyperglycemic-hyperosmolar-syndrome

Signs of Postpartum Depression

Signs of Postpartum Depression, علامات اكتئاب ما بعد الولادة, Signes de dépression post-partum
Also known as postnatal depression, postpartum depression (PPD) is a type of depression that can occur with having a baby. PPD is much more severe than the mild “baby blues” that many...

What is Colostomy Bag?

Colostomy bag, Sac de colostomie, حقيبة فغر القولون
...which type of colostomy bag to use is largely a matter of preference. Many people swap between different types, depending on their day’s activities. The two main types of colostomy...

Blood Test Results

blood test result,résultat du test sanguin,نتيجة فحص الدم ،
...(CBC) The complete blood count (CBC) concentrates on the three types of blood cells: white blood cells (WBCs), red blood cells (RBCs), and platelets. By measuring the volume of blood cells, the...

What are Blood test results?

Blood test results
...Name”. Within each is various sub-tests, which altogether give a broad picture of an individual’s health. Complete blood count (CBC) The complete blood count (CBC) concentrates on the three types...