Search Results for drug-interactions

What are Aphthous Mouth Ulcers?

Aphthous mouth ulcers
...ulcers. However, they may not always cause the aphthous variety of ulcers. They include:[8][9] Nicorandil, a drug used to treat angina pectoris, a heart condition Ibuprofen and other anti-inflammatory medicines...

What is Arthritis?

التهاب المفاصل
...their fingernails or eyes. Psoriatic arthritis is treated with medications that suppress the immune system, called disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Over-the-counter medications, such as ibuprofen, can reduce pain and swelling....

What is Syphilis Infection?

Syphilis Infection
...approximately half of all people who develop neurosyphilis are HIV-positive.[3] Before the invention and widespread use of antibiotic drugs, neurosyphilis was more common. Congenital syphilis The pathogen Treponema pallidum can...