Search Results for acid-base-balance

What is Crohn’s Disease?

Crohn’s Disease
...Tests will also be performed to establish one’s levels of nitrogen, bilirubin, transferrin vitamin B12 and folic acid. Doctors will also prescribe tests to determine the individual’s erythrocyte sedimentation rate...

What is Legionella Infection?

Infection à légionelles, Legionella infection, عدوى الليجيونيلّا
...used by humans. Systems where Legionella pneumophila may be found, include:[^1][^2][^9][^11][^26] Air conditioning units that use water-based cooling towers Hot tubs and whirlpool spas Water birth tubs Showers and sink...

What is Nephritic Syndrome?

Cytomegalovirus Infection symptom assessment. Diagnosing nephritic syndrome The diagnosis of nephrotic syndrome is typically based on a physical examination of the person and analysis of their urine (urinalysis). People with the...

What is Acute Pancreatitis?

Acute Pancreatitis, التهاب البنكرياس الحاد, pancréatite aiguë
...pancreatitis include:[4][8][9] Mumps Mononucleosis/Epstein-Barr virus HIV Parasitic infection, such as ascariasis, toxoplasmosis or cryptosporidium High cholesterol levels Pancreatic cancer Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis Diagnosis of acute pancreatitis is based on...