Search Results for dangerous-heart-rate

What is Iron Deficiency (Anemia)?

Iron Deficiency
...not always manifest until iron-deficiency anemia develops, but may include fatigue; paleness; dizziness; an inability to concentrate and diminished productivity; unhealthy nails, skin and hair, and a painful tongue, among...

Keyhole Surgery

Keyhole Surgery,Laparoscopie, منظار البطن
...doctors a magnified view of the inside of the body.1 The rod is called an endoscope. Surgical instruments can also be passed through the incision, allowing surgeons to operate. Keyhole surgery may...

Arterial Doppler

What is Acupuncture: Overview Checking the blood flow passing through the umbilical cord and the placenta can safely check the condition of the foetus’ brain and heart to see if the unborn child...