Search Results for fatigue

What are the signs of Miscarriage?

علامات الإجهاض, Signs of miscarriage, Signes de fausse couche
...fluid:** This may include the fetus, placenta, or blood⁢ clots. * **No longer having pregnancy symptoms:** Such⁢ as nausea, breast ​tenderness, or‍ fatigue. * **Fetal ⁤heartbeat⁢ no⁢ longer detectable:** Typically...

What is Anal Cancer?

Anal Cancer
...and increase the likelihood of recovery. Chemotherapy can sometimes have unpleasant side effects, such as hair loss, nausea and vomiting, fatigue and pain. A doctor will be able to advise...

What are the Signs of Stroke?

Signs of Stroke, signes d'un AVC,علامات السكتة الدماغية
...walking, balance,⁤ or coordination. **Other​ Warning Signs:** *⁤ Nausea ​or ​vomiting * Confusion or​ disorientation * Fatigue or weakness * Sensory changes (e.g., tingling or numbness) **Remember:** The acronym **FAST**...