Search Results for fluoxetine-oral-capsule

What is Syphilis Infection?

Syphilis Infection
...**Treponema pallidum**. It can affect both men and women and can spread through vaginal, anal, or oral sex. **Q:‍ What are the stages of syphilis?** **A:** Syphilis ⁣progresses through four...

What is Viral Conjunctivitis?

Viral Conjunctivitis
...against viruses, but bacteria.[7] Antiviral medication for viral conjunctivitis Sometimes, topical or oral antiviral medication may be recommended. This is typically reserved for cases of viral conjunctivitis which:[2][7][8] Are severe,...

General practitioner

General practitioner
...complex fields or types of diseases. Therefore, they can offer more therapy options to patients. General practitioners usually refer the patient to oral therapy (taking medications) or by injection. In...

What is Childhood Absence Epilepsy?

Childhood Absence Epilepsy
...may continue to ​have seizures into adulthood.⁤ Long-term outcomes are generally good, but CAE can lead to learning and behavioral problems‌ if not treated. **Keywords:** prognosis, learning problems, behavioral ⁤problems...

What is Chronic Bronchitis?

Chronic Bronchitis
...history.[11] A combination of behavioral changes and medication is often the most effective way of quitting. Behavioral changes include avoiding situations in which you are around people smoking, or situations...