Search Results for heart-failure/taking-diuretics

What is Pneumologie?

...infections (pleurisy, bronchopneumonia, tuberculosis, legionellosis, etc.), Alterations due to prolonged inhalation of the same type of dust (pneumoconiosis), Broncho-pulmonary tumors, Respiratory failure, Due to the consequences of oxygen depletion on...

Hemoglobin levels

مستويات الهيموجلوبين, Taux d'hémoglobine, Hemoglobin levels
...the blood. Living at high altitudes Dehydration Bone marrow disorders (polycythemia vera) Heart problems Lung problems, such as emphysema Anabolic steroid abuse Symptoms of high hemoglobin levels Due to its...

What Is an Internist Doctor?

Internist Doctor
...your physical exam, your an internist typically will:  Look at your general appearance, including your posture and how you move Listen to your heart, checking for a heart murmur, irregular heartbeat,...