Search Results for bowel-retraining

What is Colostomy Bag?

Colostomy bag, Sac de colostomie, حقيبة فغر القولون
...Abdominal/pelvic region cancers, including colorectal cancer and more rarely anal, vaginal or cervical cancer Inflammatory bowel diseases, including Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and, more rarely, diverticulitis) Bowel obstructions or injuries...

What is Appendix pain?

La douleur de l'appendice, Appendix pain, ألم الزائدة الدودية
...or is particularly severe, it could be a sign of a range of conditions including: Urinary tract infection Hernia Inflammatory bowel disease Intussusception of the bowel, where a section of...

What is a Gastroenterologist?

...state-of-the-art technology ‍for diagnosis and treatment. **Common‍ Conditions Treated by Gastroenterologists:** – ​Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) – GERD (Gastroesophageal⁤ Reflux Disease) – Celiac⁢ Disease – Inflammatory Bowel Disease (Crohn’s Disease...