Search Results for diarrhea/paradoxical-diarrhea

What is Hypothermia?

...[6], [9] confusion dizziness chills mood change irritability poor judgment lassitude paradoxical undressing taking off clothing despite cold exposure motions, like rocking slurred speech some loss of physical coordination faster...

All About Jaypirca

All About Jaypirca
...include: abdominal pain bruising cough diarrhea or constipation dizziness fatigue (low energy) fever Fluid retention and bloating mild upper respiratory infection such as the common cold nausea pain in your...

What is Acute Gastritis?

Acute Gastritis
...and diarrhea.⁤ In severe cases, it can lead to bleeding and perforation of ‌the stomach. **Causes ​of acute gastritis:** * Infection with bacteria​ (such as H. pylori) or viruses *...

What is Acute HIV Infection?

HIV Infection
...Aching muscles Joint pains Unintentional weight loss Fever Loss of coordination Tiredness Headache Swollen lymph nodes Sore throat Diarrhea Some HIV-infected people do not have any symptoms or may have...

What is Folate Deficiency?

Folate Deficiency
...and diarrhea Headache and dizziness Pallor Shortness of breath Headache, dizziness, pallor, and shortness of breath are also symptoms of anemia. Anemia, particularly megaloblastic anemia, is often the first sign...