Search Results for obesity

What is Gallbladder Cancer?

Gallbladder Cancer
...more likely ​to⁤ develop gallbladder cancer than men. * **Inflammatory gallstones:** Ongoing inflammation in the gallbladder, known as cholecystitis, ‌increases the risk. * **Obesity:** Excess weight and obesity are risk...

What Is Ischemic Stroke?

Ischemic stroke, السكتة الدماغية الإقفاريةIschemic stroke, , AVC ischémique
...for diabetes type 2, as well as type 1, is helpful in preventing a stroke. Obesity/inactivity: A sedentary, inactive and nutritionally unhealthy lifestyle leading to obesity is strongly linked to...

What Is Atherosclerosis?

...pressure, diabetes, smoking, and obesity. Although atherosclerosis is a potentially serious condition, it can be managed through lifestyle changes and treatment of its underlying causes.[1] Atherosclerosis is a specific variety...

What is Colorectal Cancer?

Colorectal Cancer
...rare.[4][5] Avoidable risk factors include obesity, smoking tobacco products, and low levels of exercise.[4] The cancer is diagnosed through certain tests that allow a doctor to look inside a person’s...