Search Results for eye-health/smoking-and-macular-degeneration

What is Asthma?

...make‍ breathing easier. * **Getting regular exercise:** Regular exercise can ‌help to strengthen your lungs and improve your overall health. * **Managing stress:** Stress can trigger asthma attacks. Find healthy...

Depressive Episode

نوبة الاكتئاب ,Depressive Episode,الحلقة الاكت,Épisode dépressifئابية, نوبة الاكتئاب
...Health. “Chronic Illness & Mental Health.” Accessed January 10, 2018. ↩ Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology. [“Minor Depressive Disorder.”] Accessed January 2, 2018. ↩ Project Safety Net. “Diagnostic Criteria for Major Depressive Disorder and Depressive Episodes.” Accessed...