Search Results for anemia/blood-transfusions-for-myelodysplastic-syndromes

What Is an Endocrinologist?

Endocrinologist, أخصائي الغدد الصماء, Endocrinologue
...and may take medication to help keep their blood sugar levels stable. However, if standard treatment doesn’t get your blood sugar levels under control, your primary care doctor may refer you to...

What is Acute Gastritis?

Acute Gastritis
...autoimmune reaction which can affect the stomach lining cells. Vascular Rare malformations of blood vessels, as well as complications of chronic heart failure can affect the blood flow to the...

What is Anal Fissure?

Anal Fissure
...penetration.[9] Subsequent bowel movements stretch the area, meaning that healing is hindered. The anal sphincter may spasm as a result of anal fissure, restricting blood supply to the area and...