Search Results for stroke/signs-symptoms-tia-mini-stroke

What is Hypothyroidism?

...Symptoms The early symptoms of poor thyroid function include tiredness, constipation, brittle nails, dry hair and feeling cold. As the hypothyroidism continues, people develop a low mood, decreased motivation, slowed...

What is Osteoporosis?

...loss. **Q: What‌ are the symptoms of⁢ osteoporosis?** **A:** Osteoporosis often manifests without symptoms until a fracture occurs.‌ Common symptoms include: * Decreased height * Back pain ⁢or fractures *...

What is Stomach Cancer?

Stomach Cancer
...noticeable symptoms in the ⁣early ⁣stages. As the cancer progresses, symptoms may ​include: * **Persistent indigestion or heartburn:**⁢ Indigestion and heartburn are common ⁣symptoms of⁢ stomach cancer but can also...