Search Results for herp

What is Cupping?

...acne, herpes zoster, and pain management. That’s similar to the findings from a 2012 report, published in PLoS One. Australian and Chinese researchers reviewed 135 studies on cupping. They concluded...

What is Uveitis?

...e.g. ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease, are more likely to develop uveitis. Infection Bacterial, fungal, or viral infection can cause uveitis in some cases. Possible infection types include toxoplasmosis, herpes...

What is Myocarditis?

...other viruses can trigger myocarditis, including:[1][2][3] Parvovirus B-19 (fifth disease) Adenovirus (common cold) Influenza virus Human herpes virus 6 (roseola) Epstein-Barr (glandular fever) virus Rubella (German measles) Varicella (chicken pox)...