Search Results for stroke/signs-symptoms-tia-mini-stroke

What is Mumps?

...infected. Mumps is more common in children than adults. Symptoms Symptoms appear within three weeks after catching the virus. The most common symptom is a swelling of the cheeks and...

What is Pancreatic Cancer?

Cancer du pancréas, Pancreatic Cancer, سرطان البنكرياس
...increase the risk of developing pancreatic cancer, such as Peutz-Jeghers syndrome. Symptoms There are often no symptoms in the early stages of pancreatic cancer. The most common symptoms of pancreas...

What is Peptic Ulcer Disease?

Peptic Ulcer Disease
...of anti-inflammatory medications (such as aspirin), and smoking. Other conditions and medications can cause peptic ulcer disease, but these are comparatively uncommon. Symptoms Typical symptoms include pain at the top...

What is Chronic Pelvic Pain?

Chronic Pelvic Pain
...during menstruation, normally accompanied by abdominal cramps Headaches Other symptoms related to the underlying cause of the pain may also occur in some people. People experiencing possible symptoms of chronic...