Search Results for gerd/foods-to-avoid

Can exercise help endometriosis?

Can exercise help endometriosis?
...2023 review  advised people with endometriosis to avoid intense exercises, suggesting that these could worsen symptoms. Examples of vigorous activities that you may want to consider avoiding include: jogging running...

What is Small Cell Lung Cancer?

Cancer du poumon à petites cellules, Small cell lung cancer, سرطان الرئة ذو الخلايا الصغيرة
...prevent SCLC is to⁣ avoid smoking. Other preventive measures include: * Limiting secondhand smoke exposure * Avoiding exposure to occupational ‌carcinogens * Getting adequate exercise * Maintaining a healthy diet...

What is Tendonitis?

Table of Contents Is exercise beneficial to people with endometriosis? What exercises should you avoid with endometriosis? When to stop an exercise What else can help with endometriosis symptoms? Takeaway...

What is Tonsillitis?

...and avoid close contact with people displaying symptoms associated with tonsillitis, as well as conditions such as the common cold or the flu. People who have tonsillitis should avoid spreading...