Search Results for drugs/gemfibrozil-oral-tablet

What is Premature Labor?

Accouchement prématuré ,Premature labor, الولادة المبكرة
...eclampsia or HELLP syndrome Problems with blood clotting Smoking Drinking alcohol during pregnancy Use of illegal drugs during pregnancy Stress Being under 18 or over 35 years old Vaginal infections...

What Is an Endocrinologist?

Endocrinologist, أخصائي الغدد الصماء, Endocrinologue
...MRI) * Genetic testing Treatment plans for endocrine disorders may include: * Medication (e.g., hormone⁤ replacement therapy, anti-thyroid drugs) * Surgery ⁣(e.g., thyroidectomy, pituitary tumor removal) * ​Lifestyle modifications (e.g.,...